2015 Accomplishments!

Hi ladies, we are super excited with the major motivation train that is running through KFIT this month! We have already had some big accomplishments and we are not even a month in! We are going to work our butts off to make sure you stay the course in 2016! We figured,  what better time than now to pat ourselves on the back for our 2015 accomplishments?!? Each year gets better and better. The KFIT family continues to grow every year and we’re seeing so many of you reach new accomplishments, big and small, every week!

Here is a list of our 2015 accomplishments! Hi fives and butt slaps all around!

(Now you know why we want you to track your accomplishments on the gym white board! 🙂

We’ve shed some serious pounds and inches!

2015 was a huge year for weight loss at KFIT. Its no wonder we were voted Best Weight Loss Center in 2015 and hoping for 2016! <–plug plug. Just take a look at these chicks! Dedication and consistency really paid off for so many people this year and the results speak for themselves!

We got faster and took on some major challenges!

2015 was a great year for PR’s. Linds, Justine, Villa, and Casey all PR’d their 5K times this year. Jenn F. ran her first 5k without stopping! Amy ran her first 5 miler and Lisa G. ran her first 5k and first 5 miler this year. Susan also “accidently” ran 5 miles on Thanksgiving! Krysten and Allyson crushed 1 mile without stopping for the first time ever! Limary, Harriet, and Karen all completed half marathons in 2015. Kathy, Courtney and Kell completed their first triathlons and Tina completed the Boston Marathon (on a freezing cold, rainy day, no less!)


We got really good at dubs!

While Linds and Casey battled it out for the second top double-under spot (Coach Kerrie is still the reigning champ), a lot of other KFitters got seriously good at double-unders too! Shout out to Lisa Reid, who fought long and hard for many months to link more than 10 in a row and is now up to 49 unbroken! Also, congrats to Farran, Coco, Allie G., Haley, Eileen, Sam, Julie N. and Kendra on successfully conquering dubs this year!


We saw huge improvements on the rig!

We saw a lot of you ditch the pull-up bands in 2015! Way to go Lisa G., Farran, Allie G., Meredith, Coco, Jess, and Lisa R.! Our strict pull-up list is pretty impressive too! Awesome job Meredith, Mel, Linds, Casey, Kell, Em, Farran, and Coco. Lets not forget the chicks that are on their way to ditching the band! Kell B., Haley, Villa, Kell Hoxie, Kaitie Jr., Coll H., Sam, and Eileen have started working their way down to lighter bands. We know we’ll see big things out you ladies in 2016!

Did you say toes 2 bar?? Coco, Casey, Meredith, Lisa G. and Em all started linking them in 2015! And TONS of ladies have at least touched their toes to the rig, soooo that’s an improvement! Progress is progress, right?!?


Holy crap, we’re stronger than ever!

As a gym, we’ve ALL gotten stronger this year, so everyone should pat themselves on the back here. Shout out to those who PR’d their strength moves this year, including ALL of your KFIT coaches! Some other PR’s include Vicki, Linds, KDubs, Casey, Lisa R., Coco, Allie G., Villa, Ann D., Denise, Deb D., Justine, Annette, Jess,  Farran, Kell B., Kim P., Julie N, Heather, Eileen, Lynn G., Jenn F., Kendra, Marie, Meredith, Janet, Hailey, Coll H., Coll K., Karina, Julie A., Danielle and Nikki. We saw PR’s on everything from Presses, Front Squats, Back Squats, OH Squats, Cleans, and Deadlifts and to say we are impressed would be an understatement!

Some people have been consistently working form throughout 2015 and it has really paid off! We’ve seen major improvements across the board in form with the barbells, which allows more of you to reach new accomplishments each month!



We’re Crushing Box Jumps!

A lot of people increased their box jump heights this year including Jill, Danielle, Ann D.,  KDubs, Marie, Vicki, Lisa G., and Denise!


Lets not forget about these box jumping cuties!


Random (Equally Awesome) Accomplishments

Lisa Reid did 2000 ab mat sit-ups in December.

Coco did a 4.5 minute plank!

Robin got really good at hollow rocks!

Kell and Kerrie RX’d and PR’d FRAN!

Alysson took home top prize at crockpot wars!

Heather conquered her box jump fears…again!

KFIT helped support  the Weymouth Food Pantry and Home of the Phoenix thanks to your FB check-ins!

Almost everyone PR’d and/or went heavier on a benchmark workout.

We survived completed the 2015 Crossfit Open!

We PR’d the amount of KFitters and cider drinking at one road race (Yulefest!)

Yulefest Group photo

Accomplishments come in all shapes and sizes. Was 2015 your first year at KFIT? Showing up for that first class was probably intimidating or scary (not to worry, we’ve all been there), but taking those first steps through our doors is an accomplishment that deserves recognition. Clearly 2015 was a very successful year for countless KFitters and we know 2016 is going to be an even better year for the entire KFIT family. We cannot wait to see all of your accomplishments in the coming months! Cheers to an awesome year to come and seriously the most AWESOMEST FITFAM we could ask for! We’ll leave you with this…



The KFIT Team




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2 Responses to 2015 Accomplishments!

  1. Pingback: Open Gym Tips and Tasks | KFIT Bootcamp

  2. Pingback: KFIT Body | Open Gym Tips and Tasks
